Will more time in the car lead to more podcast listening? Or does more family time mean less podcast listening? iHeart Executive VP Hetal Patel thinks that podcast listeners actively looking forward to the holidays can only be good for podcast listening. Commented Patel:
“Our survey indicates that three-quarters of podcast listeners are looking for experiences that improve their mood this holiday season. Podcast listening has continued to grow during the pandemic and given the early indicators we are seeing; we expect people to continue listening to podcasts as it provides the enjoyment they crave.”
For more insight into what 2020 pandemic holiday podcast listening might look like, we took a look at historical data from Podtrac which shows some interesting patterns.
Day of Week Listening
Based on Podtrac’s measurement data for the top 100 podcasts it measures, Wednesdays are consistently the highest podcast listening day of the week with traffic dipping on the weekends and Sunday being the lowest listening day of the week as illustrated by the Q4 2019 data below. This pattern has continued through the pandemic to date.